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Thursday, January 28, 2010

A resident's opinion

published with permission


Assalamualaikum & salam sajehtera

Sebagai pembeli yang sentiasa membayar yuran penyelengaraan setiap bulan, ingin saya menarik perhatian ahli jawatankuasa penduduk (JMB) terhadap tindakan yang ingin di laksanakan di persekitaran kediaman Sinaran Ukay Condominium.

Berlaku sedikit kekecohan antara penduduk dengan ahli JMB kebelakangan ini, akibat rasa tidak puas hati penduduk terhadapan tindakan yang di lakukan oleh ahli JMB di persekitaran kediaman kita semua, ahli JMB harus ingat dan merenung sedikit siapa anda semuanya, sebahagian daripada diri anda di lantik oleh kami penduduk untuk menyelengara persekitaran kediaman kita untuk kebaikan penduduk, tugas sukarela anda amat di hargai tetapi cara tindakan anda amat di kesali oleh saya sendiri sebagai pembeli.

Harus di ingat, kita hanya memiliki satu atau dua unit di kediaman ini, segala landskap serta kemudahan yang tersedia ada adalah milik semua pembeli, tidak kah anda ahli JMB mempunyai sedikit perasaan malu untuk melakukan sesuatu tindakan dengan menafikan hak pembeli lain. Jika anda merasakan undang undang membenarkan anda melakukan tanpa memikirkan pembeli lain, tidakkah anda rasakan undang undang itu harus di ketepikan demi kebaikan semua, undang undang ciptaan manusia sentiasa di ubah ubah dari masa ke semasa untuk kebaikkan manusia segajat, bukan di gunakan untuk kepentingan segelintir manusia yang rakus.

Saya sendiri tidak menafikan akan sebahagian kebaikan yang telah anda lakukan serta yang ingin anda lakukan di kediaman kita ini, Cuma permasalahan timbul di atas cara tindakan anda semua, contoh:-

  1. Kolam Renang

Anda menafikan hak pembeli tanpa memangil untuk berbincang dangan pembeli lain sebelum melakukan tindakan mengosongkan air di kolam renang, saya percaya anda mempunyai alasan tersendiri untuk melakukannya, notis di tampal di papan kenyataan saya pasti, tetapi memangil pembeli lain untuk melakukan perbincangan saya pasti anda tidak melakukannya, siapa yang memiliki kolam renang tersebut? Anda ahli JMB? Pasti jawapanya kita semua pembeli, salahkan anda berbincang terlebih dahulu sebelum melakukannya.

Sudah anda fikir kos yang harus di bayar dengan tindakan anda itu? Anda mempunyai jawapan tersendiri, berapa gallon air harus di gunakan untuk memenuhi semula kolam tersebut, berapa RM air segallon? Sudah anda kira? Siapa yang membayar semua itu? Mungkin tindakan anda betul dengan apa alasan sekali pon, tetapi berbincanglah dahulu sebelum melakukannya. Bincang akan kesan serta kos sebelum melakukan tindakan anda.

  1. Mencantas Pokok

Sekali lagi anda dengan alasan tersendiri anda melakukan tindakan yang saya rasakan melulu tanpa berbincang terlebih dahulu dengan penduduk, berbalik kepada ayat saya terdahulu, segala landskap serta kemudahan di persekitaran kita milik semua pembeli. Anda bukan tinggal di banglow di Tropicana Damansara atau di Pines Golf & Country Club di Charllote NC, yang membolehkan anda menebang pokok di halaman rumah anda sesuka hati anda tanpa perlu berbincang dengan orang lain, anda tinggal dan hidup di satu kawasan berpagar yang yang mana kemudahannya untuk semua, jadi panggilah untuk berbincang terlebih dahulu. Salah dan susah kah untuk memangil berbincang?

Ada penduduk yang yang sayangkan kehijauan di sini, membeli unit di sini dengan alasan kehijauan itu, sudah pasti perasaan marah akan timbul bila anda menghapuskan kehijauan itu. Andai apa juga alasan anda melakukan sesuatu perkara itu berbincangalah terlebih dahulu dengan penduduk.

Harus di ingat sekali lagi kepada anda semua, anda menguruskan satu organasasi yang bukan mencari keuntungan, anda menguruskan satu organasasi yang memfokus kepada keselesaan penduduk termasuk anda sendiri sebagai pembeli merangkap ahli JMB, janganlah di sebabkan 2-3 orang ahli JMB yang bersetuju menambil tindakan dan anda terus menafikan hak kami yang lain sebagai pembeli di kediaman ini.

Sebahagian daripada penduduk tidak begitu selesa dengan 1-2 orang yang di tugaskan untuk menguruskan pejabat pentabdiran serta pengurusan bangunan, samada di lantik secara sah atau tidak hanya ahli JMB yang mengetahui, secara jujurnya saya sendiri tidak begitu selesa dengan kakitangan pejabat, ketidakselesaan ini menyebabkan saya gagal untuk membuat pembayaran penyelengaraan secara tunai di pejabat, tetapi saya masih membayar dengan memasukkan tunai di kaunter CIMB. Perlukah ahli JMB menyimpan pekerja pekerja yang menyebabkan wujud situasi begini, susahkan untuk mengambil pekerja baru yang mempunyai sikap menghormati orang lain?? Saya berharap pada masa akan datang tidak ada lagi pekerja pekerja yang tiada rasa hormat pada orang lain duduk di kerusi di pejabat kita.

Janganlah di sebabkan 2-3 orang yang menguruskan kediaman ini mengikut hati dan naluri meraka , kita terus hilang rasa hormat sesama jiran yang telah dibina sekian lama, ingatlah pergaduhan bukan jalan penyelesaian, perbincangan adalah cara terbaik menyelesaikan masalah.

Sekain terima kasih.

En.Azahar Mohd Nor & Puan Shahrum Puteh

Nota. Saya menulis menggunakan bahasa yang di guna pakai serta di iktraf oleh Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka , andai ada ahli ahli JMB yang kurang senang dengan tulisan saya serta ingin membalas tulisan ini, sila gunakan ayat ayat yang juga di iktraf oleh Dewan, andai ada yang menggunakan ayat ayat yang kesat saya sendiri secara peribadi akan menemui beliau.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Birthday Surprise

Last week, residents Yana and Laila threw a surprise birthday party for their husbands; Onn and Asri who turned a year older and more mature respectively on 13 January. Both Onn and Asri were left speechless to find the living room of resident Yazid's office filled with family members and friends.

Despite it being a weekday, the party which started at 8.00pm only ended over 5 hours later as guests had abundance of good food and great laughs. The evening went off so well with guests being entertained by street musicians who serenaded some old numbers to their delight.

And now in great Sinaran Ukay tradition, planning is under way for next month's birthday celebration. Azhar & Alfie, watch out - you are next!!

contributed by Fazu

pix contributed by

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Birthday and BBQ

Residents of Sinaran Ukay are simply searching for an excuse to gather the neighbours and share a feast.

Last Sunday residents Yazid and Fazu celebrated their daughters' birthday by the pool. Both daughters Sara and Lia's birthdays coincidently fell on the 1st of January.

In the meantime, the grown-ups have to eat (not necessarily the cup cakes) and the most logical thing to do is to go out and buy more fresh chicken to marinate and of course BBQ for the evening.

Better watch that cholesterol level, otherwise get onto the thread-mill !

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Landshare@Sinaran Ukay

I am a big fan of Hugh Fearnley- Whittingstall. Admittedly he is not a celebrity with much fame, but his effort and ideology had endorsed him a celebrated man in the mind of some. He is more famously known as the man behind The River Cottage, The Chicken Run and best of all - The Landshare project.

Find out more about Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall & The River Cottage @

In my humble opinion, the Landshare project is something Sinaran Ukay as a community can emulate as it is both environmental friendly and fun at the same time. The objective of this project is a balancing act for people to plant their own food but possess no land and for people who owns excess land. During summer time in UK, it is a family project where all members of the family will clear the land, plough and seed the soil, water and fertilize it regularly, nurture and finally harvest the herbs / vegetables!

Compared to the Landshare project in UK, we have an advantage because idle land within Sinaran Ukay compound is sufficient for us to kickstart this project without enlisting allocation of lands from authorities or sponsors. We are also blessed with summer season all year round. Therefore we can concentrate on the operational part, proposed as followings:

  1. Identify idle land within Sinaran Ukay that is suitable for this project; i.e. for planting vegetable or herbs, etc. Ideally not on a slope where no man nor woman can access.
  2. Allocate the idle land into small pieces of allotment, with the approval of the condo management, of course.
  3. Enlist families who are interested in this project. They will be subsequently known as GROWER.
  4. Set up a sub committee to oversee that allotments are being assigned in a fair manner, preferably by drawing lots among the growers.
  5. Communicate the guideline of this project to the growers; if necessary a small deposit can be collected in anticipation when the grower desert his allotment halfway, and therefore require extra help to clear his land.
  6. Each grower is responsible for his / her own allotment; i.e. what to plant, when to water & fertilize, the type of tools & equipments required, etc. However, I recommend a clear guideline on the type of plant allowed, for example, we do not want to plant cactus because it may obscure others or could even be dangerous to young children.
  7. The recommended plant types are either vegetables or herbs.
  1. Finally enjoy playing the real live Farmville (facebook) and celebrate the fruits of your harvest.

Contributed by : SC

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Good bye 2009 hello 2010

On Thursday, December 31st the little area around the BBQ pit was fast becoming a 'tropical' garden transformed by some residents of Sinaran Ukay, in time to usher in the fast approaching new year.

After many nights of planning and discussions, the time has arrived to greet 2010.

The evening started off with a welcoming speech by resident Capt. Nasa calling the residents to abstain from anything that might spoil the 'mood' of the evening.

1. no bickering about your neighbors
2. no mention of the Joint Management Committee
3. and no 'break wind' to pollute the environment.

Once the sizzling hot BBQ steak, chicken and lamb were served onto our plates, a 'doa' was recited by resident Tuan Haji Bakri thanking 'Allah Al-mighty' on the 'rezeki', the peace and harmony bestowed upon the residents of Sinaran Ukay.

Thanks to resident Yazid, we were pleasantly surprised by the appearance of a 3 piece band of buskers serenading us with songs from the past and present 'sing-a-longs' that made us want to stand up and 'boogie'.

In line with the 'TROPICAL" theme agreed by everyone, the most favored dressed male for the night was unanimously won by resident Jamal and Zila as the most favored dressed female.

Special thanks to Stella for conducting the quiz that challenges the 'kids' in all of us. It brought new meaning to the program 'I am not smarter than a fifth grader'.

As for the kids, they had a field of a time solving puzzles and played games that were painstakingly prepared by the non-exhaustive game-master Fazu.

Of course no social gathering would be complete without the exchange of gifts among caring friends who as neighbors are the nearest 'family' to rely upon in times of need.

As usual the 'countdown' to the new year has enabled us to witness from a 'bird's eye view' the colourful fireworks brightening the KL skyline, a privilege that we have come to enjoy since the last decade from the very comforts of our home here among the hills of Bukit Antarabangsa.

Lastly many thanks to everyone especially Capt. Nasa, Yam & family, Aziz, Zila & family, Yazid, Fazu & family, Jamal & family, Zam & family, Darif & family, Tuan Hj Bakri & family, Shai & Stella, Alfie, Aishah Diva & family, Asri, Laila & family, Onn & family, Dadzie & family, Mansur, Tuty & family, Azhar, and also to those whose names were inadvertently left out (you know who you are) for making this event a roaring success and hopefully by next year the friendship expands much further to the remaining residents of Sinaran Ukay.

Here is to the next decade of friendship ... till 2020, be kind to your neighbors .

pix courtesy of
pix courtesy of

Happy New Year 2010

To all residents of Sinaran Ukay

here's to our explosive
resolution for the new decade