Thank you very much for all the comments and encouraging words.
Even though it has
not been widely publicised, it is pretty obvious that many of us use the blog to express their hope in making Sinaran Ukay a more neighbourly place to live in.
There are a couple of issues that we need to address and one of them is of course the problem of logging into the blog. We know that many would like to contribute ideas but are 'IT' challenged or simply do not have the means. That is why we need to find a solution when we meet soon.
For a start, a gathering to usher in the New Year was enthusiastically suggested. A potluck dinner is simple enough to be executed by anyone, upon which we can expand our thoughts about moving forward. This is especially so if we can find more writers to join as team members for this blog. After all this is the voice of the residents. It is easy to write and all you need is just a password.
In the meantime, efforts are being made to have a projector available to telecast the countdown from TV (depends on the availability) , and a laptop to demonstrate the use of the blog (depends on a wifi connection).
We can then eat and be merry while we wait for the explosive new year fireworks which we have traditionally been witnessing annually from the top floor of our condominium.
So be it .....

New Year Gathering
Bring your own Goodies
at 8.30 pm.
31 Dec. 2008
Spread the word....
p.s. We may need to discuss further, anyone care to drop a line?
For those who are celebrating Christmas, we wish you a very

Merry Christmas
from all of us at
Sinaran Ukay.