Do join us in making this occasion a memorable one especially when a new extra second will be added on this very last day of the year at 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds coordinated universal time. (who says we don't have much time?)
This is to synch the two timescale: one based on the rotation of the earth (which seems to be slowing down) and the one based on the man-made atomic time. For further reading click here
Let's usher in the brand new year together as neighbours and wishing everyone 'A very Happy New Year !'
Hi all, I missed the Pot-Luck & Gotong Royong. Had events filled up before getting the opportunity to commit to our outings and gatherings. Trust it all went well. Here is a link to photos I took since 6th Dec - 8 Jan 09 of the site and all that happened on that day.
Patrick Leong