Question - 'Where do we go from here?' Do we need a protem committee, do we need a task force or do we just proceed as we go along. There are dedicated residents who will go ahead with plans that have been done annually. Hopefully with the proper communication channels in place we can this time have a bigger team support.
Here are other interesting ideas & suggestions that were brought forward by some resourceful residents.
1. Wi-Fi - connection around the cafe area. ( Management or residents to foot the bill not decided)
2. GRAFFITI WALL - Residents especially children are encouraged to participate in leaving their 'mark' as a form of saying 'I live or have lived' here in Sinaran Ukay. ( Tall wall below the management office)
3. VEGETABLE GARDEN - Encourage we plant vegetables like Serai, Pandan, Chili, kunyit etc. for simple basic needs. ( Plot near car wash).
4. MESSAGE BOARD - A dedicated message board to complement the Blog. (Near the Lift Entrance)
5. CAR POOL - Organise a car pool either for office or even for our school going children.
6. TAXI SERVICE - We have at the moment a resident Abang Shukri who is willing to provide the service at anytime you require.
7. CLASSES - We have among us residents who are Professional Dancers, IT experts, Designers etc. It would be good if they can dedicate some time to teach the residents. Back to school anyone ?
8. MERCHANDISE - A line of t-shirt, caps, stickers or anything related to Sinaran Ukay.
Finally, We need able bodied men and women to particpate and activate these noble and ambitious plans for the benefit of us residents of Sinaran Ukay.
Your contribution in whatever way small or big will be highly appreciated.
We will kick off this year with a BBQ on the 7th of February in conjunction with the Chinese New Year. This will hopefully provide us with a platform to discuss on the logistics and designated role for those who are able to contribute in the various activities mentioned.
Hoping to hear some responds from fellow residents... you can either leave your comments or email to
*credit mention to the following who have contributed ideas and committed to make it happen. • Din • Aziz • Angah • Dadzie • Jay • Asri • Azhar • Darif • Syed • apologies if names were unintentionaly omitted.
Most of the suggestions mentioned are quite easy to carry out but need support from the management, e.g. Wifi, Vegetable garden, Message board. Any management representative care to comment ?
nice ideas please proceed to next meeting, hopefully after CNY 09.
ReplyDeleteCan anyone share what's the email add of the Joint Management Body? I remember the list of JMB Committee members was posted at the notice boards some time ago but was removed.
ReplyDeleteI want to comment on the maintenance. Residents/tenants who use the lift at the A Block would definitely notice that the recent 'upgrade' of the lift control panel was a mess and i dont think it pass the Ministry of Health standards. Firstly, the 'new' panel does not have the two most important buttons - the open and close door. Imagine a child or some senior citizen entering the lift just to find there's no such buttons (eventhough the instruction did mentioned abt those buttons) how confused could they be?
Secondly the intercom and emergency bell/alarm buttons are not functioning! What if a child is trapped alone in the lift?
We pay hefty amount of maintenance fees just to get this kind of 'below par' maintenance service? Since we're spending (i assume a lot of) money to do the upgrades, might as well do it right - otherwise dont waste money for a lousy job.