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Sunday, May 20, 2012

1st Residents Gathering for 2012

Today marks a historic event when the 1st gathering of residents were held at the club house organized by the newly elected members of the Joint Management Committee 2012.

After taking over the administration since 70 days ago, the committee headed by En Adi Satria shared with the residents various issues and challenges inherited from the past administration and laid out a strategic roadmap to resolve and improve the best way possible in upholding the vision of transforming Sinaran Ukay Residence into a ' better standard of living ' for everyone.

For an event of this nature, the responds has been very encouraging as witnessed by the presence of many new faces wanting to get to know better their neighbors and seeking for a better understanding of the hope and aspiration of this place called ' HOME '.

The organizing committee would like to Thank everyone who took time off from their precious weekend to attend this special occasion and making it a resounding success.

Special thanks goes out to the steering committee of En Adi Satria, En Aziz, En Alfie, En Effendi, En Asri Ahmad, En Azaiddy, Puan Tuty, Puan Aishah Diva, En Yazid and Puan Fazu, En Mansur, En Azhar serta semua yang telah bertungkus lumus untuk menjayakan majlis ini.

Tidak ketinggalan terima kasih di ucapkan pada wakil-wakil dari Nurr Properties dan Arrow Securities.

Akhir sekali terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada semua penduduk-penduduk yang terlibat dalam menjadikan Sinaran Ukay Residence into ' a better standard of living ' .

For further details stay tuned for a more detailed news and pictures in the coming days.

Sinaran Ukay Residence 
for a better standard of living

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