SURe contacts

SURe contacts
Write to the MANAGEMENT

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A new resident's association

Word has it that an sms has been circulating which stated the following.

" Hi, we have registered SUCRA, sinaran ukay condo residents association, we'll receive the license approval soon. Your encouragement was a big support for all residents. Thank You, "

Kak Nawal.

For the benefit of all residents who are unaware of this new development, could someone please shed some light?

Sinaran Ukay Residence
for a Better Standard of Living

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


In line with our objective to make sinaran ukay a better place to come home to, we would like to call upon all residence (tenants and owners) be mindful of the news that has been circulated about the various issues related to the running of our beloved condominium.

All we need to do is practise an open mind and objectively look into all available information and evidence, before we make decisions that may otherwise challenge the peaceful and harmonious atmosphere that we have enjoyed since the past decade. 

Your thoughts and opinions are greatly appreciated because we have a legal or contractual obligation to whatever we have decided or going to decide upon. Be prudent !

for a Better Standard of Living

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Masjid Bukit Antarabangsa 1st Solat Juma'at


A stone's throw away from Sinaran Ukay Residence, the first Solat Juma'at at Masjid Bukit Antarbangsa was held on Friday the 5th of June 2009 congregated by many Muslim residents of Bukit Antarbangsa. This momentus occasion marks a historic day for all residents who have been waiting patiently for their prestigious and beautiful Masjid. 

Also present were the Residents of Sinaran Ukay with their kids who are currently on their 2nd term school holidays which also explains the big turn out for the inaugural Solat Jumaat.

Insya' Allah we can start looking forward for the coming months of Ramadhan and Syawal.

Gotong Royong at Masjid Bukit Antarabangsa

Last month the 25th of May, a gotong royong was held to clean the newly built masjid Bukit Antarbangsa, participated by a number of Sinaran Ukay and its neighbouring  residents. 

It was a wonderful effort made by everyone in the spirit of neighborliness and generosity.

Again our ever helpful uniformed personels were there to give a much needed helping hand.

Alhamdulillah, .... everything went smoothly and the Masjid is now ready for its 'ummah' to perform their 'ibadah' after waiting patiently for 9 long years amidst various challenges of landslide, funds and political events.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Solat Jumaat Masjid Antarabangsa

Pengumuman dari Ahli Jawatan Kuasa Surau Ad Diniah


Insya Allah Solat Jumaat akan berpindah tempat dari Masjid Ad Diniah ke Masjid Bukit Antarabangsa mulai pada hari 

Jumaat 05 Jun 2009

Harap maklum pada jiran dan kawan-kawan. Terima Kasih.