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SURe contacts
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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Gotong Royong

Jay has got this message to share to all the muslim residents.

' On 3rd Jan at 8.00 am morning, there will be a gotong royong to clean the old surau Addiniah  dan juga Sekolah Agama Rakyat Bukit Antarabangsa.  It is organized by MPAJ dengan kerjasama JKP Zon 5.  So, ALL Muslims are invited to join in the cleaning up with thier penyapus, mop, kain, soap powder and whatsoever that is useful.'


3 JAN 2009 • SABTU


Many Thanks to Jay for this announcement.

3rd January being a Saturday should enable us to start the new year with a renewed sense of goodwill and generousity. 

Humble Apologies. Initially there was a slight miscommunication about this announcement. It is not the new Masjid but the old surau. Any inconveniences caused is highly regretted. 

Welcoming the New Year

Tonight, Sinaran Ukay will be hosting a pot-luck dinner by the poolside and everyone is invited. Let us keep it very simple by bringing along your very own choice of goodies.

Do join us in making this occasion a memorable one especially when a new extra second will be added on this very last day of the year at 23 hours, 59 minutes and 59 seconds coordinated universal time. (who says we don't have much time?)

This is to synch the two timescale: one based on the rotation of the earth (which seems to be slowing down) and the one based on the man-made atomic time. For further reading click here

Let's usher in the brand new year together as neighbours and wishing everyone 'A very Happy New Year !'

Serious Thoughts on security

There are some serious issues with regards to security in Sinaran Ukay following some incidents that has happened lately.

Please click on the excerpt to access to their full comments

excerpt comments from Zainuddin...

.... 'we ll have to brave some resident's wrath but if this is what it take lets stick together and support them for communal interest.'  (please click  here for the full comments)

excerpt comments from Anonymous...

...... Harap management dpt pantau pekerja2 dalaman especially pekerja warganegara asing.  (please click here for the full comments)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Salam Ma'al Hijrah

Maal Hijrah or Awal Muharram is the start of the Muslim calendar year. Literally it means - migration and celebrates the prophet Mohammed's s.a.w. migration from Mecca to Medina in the year 622 AD. 

Therefore, it is a time for a new beginning, a change from bad to good and a chance to re-evaluate one's life and direction. 

May God Bless our Beloved Neighbourhood.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

POTLUCK - the defination

A couple of nights ago we had an informal discussion about the expectations of the planned potluck due in 4 days time. There were questions like - 'what shall I bring, how much should it be, is this food considered potluck, what if I don't bring anything can I be considered invited?
Well folks based on the good old free dictionary Wikipedia .......

Potluck dinners are often organized by religious or community groups, since they simplify the meal planning and distribute the costs among the participants. Smaller, more informal get-togethers with distributed food preparation may also be called potlucks. The only traditional rule is that each dish be large enough to be shared among a good portion (but not necessarily all) of the anticipated guests. In some cases each participant agrees ahead of time to bring a single course, and the result is a multi-course meal. Guests may bring in any form of food, ranging from the main course to desserts.

There you go.... hope it shed some light.

You may if you want, leave a comment on what you want to bring, (not necessarily food) but otherwise surprise us !

Friday, December 26, 2008

BURGLARY at Sinaran Ukay

Anonymous has posted a comment today..



ecurity. .

Would appreciate if anyone can shed some light to this unfortunate incident ?

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Many thanks goes out to....

1. Sahsab for being the first to comment on the blog
2. Jay  for supporting and spreading the word 
3. Ros Hamid  for writing in, even though she had some difficulty in logging in.
4. Krish for the positive responds
5. Aziz for encouraging us to be more identifiable
6. Din for the pot luck idea and commitment
7. 'Guess who' for being a follower to the blog
8. and of course to all visitors who have been dropping by
..... again many thanks

For those you have yet to participate don't be shy... its only the neighbours.

Let's keep up the momentum and make it happen for Sinaran Ukay.....

.... Lets Rock !

A brand new year

....... is just round the corner. 

Anyone care to add on to the list of new year resolutions for Sinaran Ukay ? It is still not too late. Just drop us a line. Of course this is only a wish list. The success of our wishes are governed by our keen participation in making them happen.

For a start, we have included a poll for your votes.

Your participation is highly appreciated and any additional ideas are most welcomed.

Let's make Sinaran Ukay bersinar-sinar !

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

An encouraging New Year Resolution

Thank you very much for all the comments and encouraging words.

Even though it has not been widely publicised, it is pretty obvious that many of us use the blog to express their hope in making Sinaran Ukay a more neighbourly place to live in.

There are a couple of issues that we need to address and one of them is of course the problem of logging into the blog. We know that many would like to contribute ideas but are 'IT' challenged or simply do not have the means. That is why we need to find a solution when we meet soon.

For a start, a gathering to usher in the New Year was enthusiastically suggested. A potluck dinner is simple enough to be executed by anyone, upon which we can expand our thoughts about moving forward. This is especially so if we can find more writers to join as team members for this blog. After all this is the voice of the residents. It is easy to write and all you need is just a password.

In the meantime, efforts are being made to have a projector available to telecast the countdown from TV (depends on the availability) , and a laptop to demonstrate the use of the blog (depends on a wifi connection).

We can then eat and be merry while we wait for the explosive new year fireworks which we have traditionally been witnessing annually from the top floor of our condominium.

So be it .....

New Year Gathering
Bring your own Goodies

at 8.30 pm.
31 Dec. 2008

Spread the word....

p.s. We may need to discuss further, anyone care to drop a line?

For those who are celebrating Christmas, we wish you a very

Merry Christmas
from all of us at
Sinaran Ukay.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Let us be heard

Welcome everyone,

This blog is aimed at establishing a common line of communication among all residents of block A and B of Sinaran Ukay, Bukit Antarabangsa.

Let us work together in achieving a friendlier and accommodating neighbourhood that we can proudly call home.

All views, opinions & suggestion are always encouraged in making this objective a success.

You can always write in to and maybe kick start a working committee.

Hoping to hear from you all and what better way to usher in the coming New Year by having a family party right at your doorstep.

Let's Rock!

the unofficial volunteer for social happenings in Sinaran Ukay.